The Citrus Seasonings
Of the Sorrento Peninsula
Extra virgin olive oil from the Sorrento Peninsula flavored with the precious essential oils obtained from Sorrento citrus fruits, processed within 12 hours of harvesting, so as to preserve all the aromas of the freshest fruits.
All the aroma of our citrus fruits and the best EVO oil
Try our condiments based on Extra Virgin Olive Oil from the Sorrento Peninsula and essential oils extracted from the peels of the citrus fruits of the area.
To guarantee an excellent quality product, all stages from production to packaging are scrupulously controlled. The oil is produced using rigorously selected olives, intact, not crushed, damaged, attacked by the oil fly or frozen and the extraction takes place cold.
The cold pressing allows to keep the organoleptic characteristics of the extra virgin olive oil unaltered, preserving all the properties of the olives, the quantity of minerals, vitamins and antioxidant substances for the body.
Citrus fruits are also carefully selected and only the best are used.
The Essential Oils are enclosed within the oil vesicles, which are found in the "flavedo", the colored part of the peel. To obtain them, the white part is removed from the peel and the flavedo is subjected to pressure by pressing.
How to taste them
Solagri condiments are excellent in the kitchen, both for the preparation of desserts and in baked meat recipes, carpaccio or to give a special touch to a mixed salad.